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5 great Noirvember films

10 November 2015

November can be gloomy but here's something to cheer up your dark evenings.  The Film Noir foundation in USA has dubbed this month 'Noirvember' in celebration of all the brilliant b&w films from the 1940-50's.  So don't fight it - go with it and immerse yourself in the seamy side of life by watching at least these 5.
First though - anyone who doesn't know what film noir is - they're films produced mostly between 1940-1958 featuring dark shadowy lighting, a seamy criminal topic with plenty of menace, lots of smoking and sultry femme fatales (often luring men to their doom).  And the bad'uns always get their come uppance!  There's tons of fantastic ones to choose from, here are five that I especially love.
The Postman Always Rings Twice: From a great novel by James M Cain. Lovers working in a diner decide to bump off the dames husband with predictably disastrous results.
The Postman Always Rings Twice - Snowdenflood.com

Mildred Pierce: Another brilliant James M Cain novel and one of my all time favourite films. Joan Crawford is mother to an selfish serpent of a daughter, Veda who basically ruins her life!
Mildred Pierce - Snowdenflood.com
The Third Man: Set in Vienna after the war and starring Orson Welles, a classic legend of a film on most film buffs top 100 films of all time.
The Third Man - Snowdenflood.com
The Big Sleep: Private Detective Phillip Marlow (Humphrey Bogart) and sultry Lauren Bacall in a wonderful and rather convoluted plot.
The Big Sleep - Snowdenflood.com
Double Indemnity: Another James M Cain novel well worth reading.  And yet another rotten dame trying to bump off her husband with the aid of her life insurance man lover. Won't these dames ever learn?
Double Indemnity - Snowdenflood.com
#noirvember #blackandwhitefilms #movies


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